

Functional ceramics
Prof. Dr. Kyle G. Webber

Prof. Dr. Dominique de Ligny

Cellular Ceramics and Simulation
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Tobias Fey
Biomimetic Materials
PD Dr. rer. nat. Stephan E.Wolf

The German President Mr. Steinmeier had the oppurtunity to meet the AvH Fellow Dr. Shaoxiong Xie during the recent Annual Alexander von Humboldt Meeting. Dr. Shaoxiong has joined the Institute of Glass and Ceramics in 2024 and is researching high-throughput development of two-dimensional halide pero...

Category: Allgemein

Ahmed Gadelmawla successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Stress Modulated Electromechanical Coupling of Lead-Free Ferroelectrics”. During his research he characterized the macroscopic properties of lead-free ferroelectrics, focusing on the influence of stress in the vicinty of phase boundaries...

Category: Allgemein

Udo Eckstein successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Structural and Chemical relaxation in aerosol-deposited barium titanate thick films". During his research he developed a method to produce freestanding films that he used to investigate the influence of defects on the functional properties. ...

Category: Allgemein

Every Year, students of the Elite Master’s Programme Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) select two of their lecturers for the Best Lecturer Award. This year, the students opted for Stephan since “he also showed us how things that we take for granted can be deeply intriguing. The last time I ...

Category: Allgemein, Biomimetics, Student